Saturday, May 18, 2013

Merry Month of May?

April may be the cruelest month, at least according to T.S. Eliot, but May has always been pretty crazy as far as I'm concerned.  This year will be no different, if the first half is any indication.  As a result, my blog posts have been hard to squeeze in. 

So far, I've talked a little about my identity crisis in "I'm a Writer?" and how difficult this time of year is for me in "Grief Revisited."  I tried to detail what you can do to help your favorite Indie Authors in "Join the Revolution" and the challenges of writing a semi-steamy love story in "Tricky Words and Tantalizing Phrases-II."  Oh, and I'm running a special on Hearts Unfold for the rest of the month of May.  Not quite up to my usual goal of three posts a week, but then this is May.

I may have left out a few details like the busy weekend we spent in Bartlesville, OK with John's concert and my minor shopping spree.  Oh, and did I mention that three days into the following  week I was run down by the bus known as ecoli and thought (hoped) for about twelve hours I was going to die?  I've also been training new clerks during my shifts at the hotel, which pretty much cuts out any writing time there. 

Then there's the house to clean, at least a little, the flower beds to work, the dog to walk and my fellows to feed.  Since the ecoli thing, I'm trying to pay closer attention to what we eat--more home cooking and less take-out.  Seasonal allergies are also giving me fits, and all those antihistamines don't make for a real clear or creative head.  And so on and so forth!

Excuses?  Sort of.  But I'm starting to think that in the coming months, I may ease back on posts, focus my writing time on "Shannon's Daughter" with the hope of publishing in the fall, and enjoy my family and my flowers.  Here in Kansas, really nice weather is brief, wedged between too cold and too hot, so any day I can get outside is a gift.  I'm working more hours at the hotel now, so my time is further stretched.  Time to prioritize and get the important stuff in the right place.

Don't worry.  I'll get in here to the blog at least a couple times a week, if only to let you know how things are going.  I've discovered blogging is a good quick writing fix and I enjoy knowing at least a faithful few are checking in to see what I've posted.  I'm thinking you're busy too planning all the rejuvenating things we do in the summer months.  So let's agree to enjoy ourselves, check in with each other every now and then, and get back together for a good heart-to-heart in the fall, okay?  Meanwhile, I'd love to hear how you plan to "spend your summer vacation!"

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