You’re an icon in—not just the indie publishing community—but
the publishing community in general. Your success is something to which we all
aspire. In your opinion, what has been the greatest contributing factor to the
success of your novels?
There are so
many factors that contribute to a successful writing career and it's hard to
say which ones are the most important, but I do believe that publishing
frequently helps to build an audience and also momentum. I don't write as
quickly as some authors do or as slow as others; I think I'm somewhere in the
middle. But I try to put out 3-4 books a year and I think that helps keep my
books in front of the readers. I also write what I love to read. Sometimes that
means my books are not part of the hot trend of the moment, but that's okay. I
think it's a mistake to try to chase fads. They blow out as quickly as they
blow in. And, finally, I look at writing as my career. I work hard at it. I
spend a lot of vacations at my computer. But it's a really rewarding career, so
it's all worth it!
Writing and
publishing books is not a business for the faint of heart. You have to be a
risk taker. You have to be willing to speculate on your income and to be able
to live through the slow times. You have to develop a thick skin, because
rejection is everywhere: agents, publishers, reviewers, readers… We all know
that books are subjective. But if you're up for the task, writing can be an
awesome career choice!
When did you start writing your very first novel, and did it
ever get published? How has the world of writing change since you started out?
I wrote my first book when I was pregnant with my second
child, who is now a young adult. It was eventually published as a Silhouette
romance titled Promise of Marriage under the pen name Kristina Logan. The
writing world has gone completely upside down and spun around a dozen times
since I wrote my first book, but it's an amazing time to be a writer now. There
are so many opportunities for writers to get their books to the reading public.
I'm thrilled for the writers who are starting out now, whether they want to be
traditionally published or publish themselves. There's more work. There are
more changes. But there are also many more opportunities.
Technology has brought many changes to the world of books,
but readers continue to embrace new books, new formats, and—at the heart of
every book—great stories. I don't think great stories will ever go out of
advice do you have for authors who are either aspiring to write their first
book or are working overtime to try to get that book noticed?
For writers working on their first book, the most important
thing you can do is write all the way to the end. Too many new writers get hung
up in the middle or caught up in rewriting the beginning over and over again. To
get over the hump, jump ahead in the story or just write
something—anything—knowing you can fix it during the editing process. Until you
write to the end, you don't know what you don't know. You have to experience the
entire process of writing a novel. It takes dedication, determination and
stamina to finish a book. But it's hugely gratifying, and there's no better
experience than the actual writing.
For those writers who have published their first book and
are working overtime to get it noticed, I would caution against spending all
your time promoting that first book. What you really need to do is write the
second book and then the third. You have to look at your writing as a career. More
books will increase your audience faster than any amount of marketing you do. I
urge an 80-20 split: 80% of your time should be spent writing and 20% on
your writing process. Are you a plotter, a pantser, or something in between?
I am closer to being a pantser than a plotter, but I do
always know at least the five main plot points of my story before I begin
writing. But part of the fun for me as a writer is telling myself the story. I
want to be inspired and surprised as I go along. It makes it more interesting
to me. Of course, I would be able to write faster if I outlined, but it just
isn't the way my brain works. There's no right way to write, just the right way
for the individual author.
What was your reaction when you first found out you broke
onto the New York Times and USA Today bestsellers’ lists? How did you
Hitting #1 on the New York Times with my novel SUMMER SECRETS
was an amazing moment, especially because it was my first self-published title.
I celebrated with a lovely dinner out with my husband. What was even more
astonishing was that the novel stayed on the NYT list for 5 weeks and since
then I've had 19 more novels hit both USA Today and the New York Times. It
never gets old!
How do you find balance between writing, publishing, and promoting
your books and the rest of your life? Any tips for the rest of us?
I have no balance whatsoever at the moment! I do try to do
something in the world of exercise—take a walk or play tennis at least 3-4
times a week. And I also try to refill the creative well by reading and
watching movies and television. Inspiration comes from everywhere, sometimes a
song on the radio, a person that walks by, a sign on the road… I think it's
important for writers to be out in the world, because all our experiences
provide the fabric for our stories!
on your groundbreaking, new partnership with Ingram to get the paperback
editions of the Callaways out to the world. What about this opportunity has you
most excited?
I'm thrilled to be able to bring my bestselling digital
titles into print and have the books sold at physical bookstores throughout the
country. Partnering with Ingram Publisher Services has allowed me to use their
national sales team and distribution system to sell my books into Target, Barnes
and Noble, airport bookstores and supermarket chains. I know that some readers
still love their print books, so I want my readers to be able to read my books
in whatever format they prefer. Until very recently print has been under the
control of large publishing houses, but now print readers will have an
opportunity to get titles by an Indie author, and I think it's a game changer
for the publishing industry!
About the Callaway Blog Tour & All Its Great Prizes!
This is the week you
finally meet the Callaways! Not only are they all over the web as part of their
extraordinary blog tour, but they are also out and about in your neighborhood.
That's right; we're celebrating the print
launch with Ingram by throwing a party
all over the world! Make sure to follow this tour closely for your chance to win
gift cards, swag, autographed books, and other incredible prizes.
All the info you need to
join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a
blog comment—easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
- Purchase any of the Callaway novels by Barbara Freethy (optional)
- Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
- Visit today’s featured social media event (that's where the HUGE prizes are)
About The Callaways: The Callaways were born to serve and protect! In Barbara’s new
connected family series, each of the eight siblings in this blended Irish-American
family find love, mystery and adventure, often where they least expect it! Each
book stands alone, but for the full enjoyment of the series, you might want to
start at the beginning with On A Night
Like This! Get the eBooks via Amazon, Barnes
& Noble, iBooks, or Kobo.
About the Author: Barbara Freethy has been making up stories most
of her life. Growing up in a neighborhood with only boys and a big
brother who was usually trying to ditch her, she spent a lot of time
reading. When she wasn’t reading, she was
imagining her own books. After college and several years in the P.R.
field, she decided to try her hand at a novel. Now
Barbara is a #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author loved by
readers all over the world. Her novels range from contemporary romance to
romantic suspense and women's fiction. Learn more on her website, Facebook page, or in her Street Team.
It is so awesome that these books are now available in print! I think electronic versions of books are great and have helped otherwise unknown authors to be able to become popular, but I still prefer holding a book in my hands and not reading from a screen. These books sound awesome and I can't wait to check them out.